Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Strength, HIIT, HIRT, and Endurance Training Overview
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Hey monkiis,
I this episode I dive into the training nuances between these different training modalities: Strength, HIIT, HIRT, and Endurance. I could easily do an episode, or even an entire series on each but wanted to start with a quick overview.
Thanks for tuning in and if you are enjoying the episodes we would be eternally grateful if you could leave a 5-star review. It helps to grow the monkii family and spread the good word of the Wild. Thank you.
See you out there and Live Wild or Die,
-monkii Dan
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
monkii Tips for Better Sleep and How to Live Wilder in Modern Life
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Hey monkiis,
Welcome to the episode. I made an IG post talking about sleep that received a pretty substantial response so I thought I share that with you wild folks as well. There was also some great monkii-family input which I always appreciate. The bottom line is: if you want to train hard and be Wild, you have to get good sleep.
I also want to give a shoutout to monkii Gunnar who is new to the monkii family. Welcome my man! We are stoked to see your journey into Wildness.
Check out the Adventure Sports Podcast episode with Aaron Millar where they talk about the early origins of the concept of the Misogi.
Thanks for tuning in and if you are enjoying the episodes we would be eternally grateful if you could leave a 5-star review. It helps to grow the monkii family and spread the good word of the Wild. Thank you.
See you out there and Live Wild or Die,
-monkii Dan
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Results, One-Arm Pullup Training, and the Intensity Pyramid
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Hey monkiis,
Welcome to another Friday variety show. I appreciate the questions and keeping the conversation going so that we can all get a little bit WIlder. There are still a few days left to enter the EPIC giveaway we are doing with ~ 20 other brands (many Kickstarter alums). There are over $12,000 in prizes and the gear is sweet. Definitely check it out and enter (don't forget to tell your friends). The contest ends on February 23, 2020.
Enter here: https://www.give-r.com/pages/giverway-winter-2020
Check out the School of Greatness episode with Dr. Mark Hyman HERE.
Thanks for tuning in and if you are enjoying the episodes we would be eternally grateful if you could leave a 5-star review. It helps to grow the monkii family and spread the good word of the Wild. Thank you.
See you out there and Live Wild or Die,
-monkii Dan
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Time-Under-Tension Training and Natural Movement
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Howdy monkiis,
For this episode, I talk more about the monkii-style of time-under-tension training and how I've been using it lately. I'm pretty psyched to explore this modality more deeply and add it to the monkii training ecosystem. I also wanted to talk briefly about an article I just posted about my thoughts on 'natural movement'. I have spent a lot of time living in the wild and it always surprised about how training not in the wild did not translate over nearly as much as I thought it would.
Thanks for tuning in and if you are enjoying the episodes we would be eternally grateful if you could leave a 5-star review. It helps to grow the monkii family and spread the good word of the Wild. Thank you.
See you out there and Live Wild or Die,
-monkii Dan
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Howdy monkiis,
This is an episode I have been waiting literally months to do and I am beyond psyched to introduce the 'Train for Adventure' episode featuring Mason Gravley, host of the Adventure Sports Podcast and Lead Adventurer for Athletic Brewing. Mason has had some epic journeys traveling all across North America by bike and he has endless stories that will make you sweat and then laugh like a Wildman/Wildwoman. What I also really appreciate about Mason's adventure style is that he always tries to have them be more than about him. His trips have raised thousands of dollars for several different charities and I think this often gets overlooked. He's all about making the world a better (and Wilder) place and his actions speak for themselves.
His podcast, the Adventure Sports Podcast mentioned above has hundreds of episodes that never cease to get me pumped and help expand my imagination for my next trip. Definitely check it out.
If you are enjoying the Live Wild or Die Podcast, we would be eternally grateful if you could leave us a 5-star review wherever you get your podcasts. It helps to grow the monkii family and spread the good word of the Wild. Thank you.
That 'gram though:
Mason: @alive_adventures
Adventure Sports Podcast: @adventuresportspodast
Athletic Brewing: @AthleticBrewing
Thanks for tuning in and see you out there. monkii on.
-monkii Dan
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Best Time to Train? (monkii Time-Under-Tension Training and Dealing with Injuries)
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Howdy monkiis,
I received a great question from our Director of monkii Ops, monkii Kim about the best time to train. (Great question!) I also think we should do a 'monkii Kim's question of the week/month/etc'. Yes? Yes!
Here is an article I found that generally summarizes my thoughts and I agree with: https://time.com/5533388/best-time-to-exercise/
I also talk about the dealing-with-injuries mindset, some monkii Time-Under-Tension training and more.
If you are enjoying this podcast, please leave us a 5-star review wherever you get your podcasts. It really helps to spread the good word of the Wild and grow the monkii family. Thank you.
See you out there,
-monkii Dan
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
monkii Q&A: Core Training Tips, Discipline, Workout for Kids, Wilderness and More
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Howdy monkiis,
Thank you to everyone who sent in a podcast topic suggestion! I really appreciate hearing from the monkii fam and it helps me to organize my thoughts. Topics discussed:
-Training core from a hang position. How to build up strength for Toes to Bars.
-How to get disciplined.
-Training while traveling.
-Training with kids.
-Leave No Trace for monkiis.
...and more!
We'd be eternally grateful if you could take the time to leave a 5-star review. It helps to spread the good word of the wild and grow the monkii family. Thank you.
monkii on!
-monkii Dan
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
The Superbowl Ads are Trying to Kill You, Slowly
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Hey monkiis,
I was watching the Superbowl this past Sunday evening and noticed that a significant percentage of the commercials were for either junk food or alcohol. I found this to be quite disturbing on one of the most-watched sporting events of the year. I found it equally as disturbing that in the vast majority of these commercials celebrities were the ones pushing products that we know for sure are bad for you. I don't have cable TV so perhaps I am extra sensitive to this, but I felt compelled to comment. I don't have a solution either. However, I think starting the conversation and being aware is a great place to start.
Total commercials (all industries): 53
Junk Food/Alcohol commercials: 14 (14/53 = 26%)
Food and Beverage commercials: 19 (14/19 = 74%)
What are your thoughts?
Vegetable oil article: https://perfectketo.com/is-vegetable-oil-bad-for-you/
Eggs I like: https://vitalfarms.com/farm/
Thanks for listening and we'd be eternally grateful if you could leave a 5-star review wherever you get your podcasts. It helps to grow the monkii family and spread the good word of the Wild. Thank you.
Until next time...monkii on,
-monkii Dan
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Howdy monkiis,
Thank you for tuning into the 40th episode of the Live Wild Or Die Podcast. On this episode, I answer some monkii Q&A about how to approach difficult workouts, talk about some new nutrition protocols I've been using, I talk some training, and the big crescendo is some awesome insights I received from the Wildman monkii Craig from California. He did a great job summarizing a variety of concepts that in the collective conversation right now as to how to deal with, and ultimately thrive in hectic modern life. Thanks again, monkii Craig!
I hope everyone enjoys the show and if you have a minute, I would be eternally grateful if you could please leave a 5-star review. It helps to spread the good word of the Wild and grow the monkii family. Thank you!
monkii on,
-monkii Dan
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Isometrics, Heat Therapy, Neural Plasticity, and the monkii Book Club
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Howdy monkiis,
This episode was inspired by some recent training, some recent podcasts I've listened to, and a few books I've been reading recently.
I have started to include more isometric training as well as single-arm training specifically into pulling exercises (Rows/Pullups). I feel that this helps to pull the shoulders back and combat the constant rolling forward of the shoulders due to our modern world/phones. I've also been including regular single-arm pull training with Rows and Pullups. It's been a goal of mine for years to be able to do a one-arm Pullup. Maybe 2020 is the year...
I've also been including a regular sauna session after training 2-4 times per week. It feels WILD and I also include stretching in the heat. This significantly improves my range-of-motion and I see a real difference. Try it.
I listened to another episode of The Ready State podcast in which they discussed how the mind plays a role in endurance and performance. Alex Hutchinson was the subject-matter-expert and there and a ton of great takeaways for monkiis.
Lastly, I am psyched to introduce the monkii Book Club. Basically, I wanted to share some of the books I have read, or, am currently reading. I recently completed Empire of the Summer Moon and am about 1/3 through Sapiens. I cannot recommend these books enough and they actually have quite a bit of crossover so reading them back to back is encouraged.
If you haven't already, we Wildly appreciate and thank you if you can take the time to leave a 5-star review. It helps to spread the good word of the Wild and grow the monkii family.
monkii on!
-monkii Dan